As I came back from college and was forced to find a new normal at home through these crazy times, I decided one thing I was going to do was randomly place my finger on a book of the bible that God felt I needed to study. As I was praying for God to guide my finger, I placed it on Ecclesiastes and my immediate reaction was- confused because why would God want me to hear about King Solomon proclaiming everything to being meaningless when I was already upset with the current state we are all in now.
However, as I started to read, I was amazed of the power of God through scripture and the way in which He always gives us what we need and when we need it. Ecclesiastes 1 was proclaiming how wisdom is meaningless and the more you know can create sadness… this is a thought I will get back to momentarily. Ecclesiastes 2 was proclaiming how pleasures are meaningless and only provide momentary satisfaction… Ecclesiastes 3 was proclaiming there is a time for everything… Ecclesiastes 4 was touching on strength in numbers… Ecclesiastes 5 touched on following through with vows… and that is how far I have gotten on my study so far so we will stop there for now.
Ready to see something really cool? All of these chapters touch on a bit of what we are all experiencing now. I related Ecclesiastes 1 to the media, right now the media is highlighting this virus as if it was winning. The media is creating fear over faith in large numbers. I understand that this virus is a big deal, but my God is a bigger deal. The more knowledge you get from the news feeds or social media, it is creating sadness. How about instead of tuning into the news or media, for a while you just tune into the real truths of what our God claims about how big He is.
Ecclesiastes 2, what are you doing currently to “get through” these trying times? I realize pleasures might be at an all-time high and it is easy to fall off of what we know to be true and right, but please know fulfilling your own pleasures can only lead to momentary happiness, however using this time to fulfill your spiritual pleasures can help build you into a stronger individual and has long-term effects.
Ecclesiastes 3, now this is an idea that gives me so much hope. THERE IS A TIME FOR EVERYTHING! I know that this seems like a never-ending pandemic, however it has given us so much time to not mourn but rejoice! I know weird concept… but there is so much to be thankful for! God is still so good and has given you days to be with your family, be out in nature, and focus on things you did not have time to do before. I’ve started to hike more with my family and I also have started up some crafts that I did not have time to do before, and I have had more time to write to you guys J God has given us so much time and just know these times will pass and going back to our busy lives will come fast enough.
Ecclesiastes 4, there is great power in numbers. God calls us to do life with community and this chapter touches on that strength that can come with working together. Through this time what are you doing to reach others? I know it feels so isolated but there are still ways to give encouragement and remind people they are not alone. I have chosen as my way to reaching people, is through text messages. I have decided to check in on my friends and family once every day, I also randomly select 5 people from my contacts every morning and send them a text of encouragement. We are all facing trials during this time, and EVERYONE has been affected by this in some way so do not forget to remind those you love- that you love them. Let us get through this together.
Ecclesiastes 5, this chapter touched on fulfilling the vows we make to the Lord. “It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it” (Ecclesiastes 5:4, NIV), God enjoys seeing consistency in your life. This one is a touchy subject for many, I know I have failed in this area more than once. However, if you made a vow to the Lord to be a follower of His and commit your life to the Word than that does not take a pause through this time. It is our jobs as Christian’s to remain consistent with our vows to God and remain in faith and flee from fear and sloth. We are called to still be active in our pursuit of loving Jesus and loving others.
If you can take anything away from this please take away, that God can deliver messages to you even through passages you view as “meaningless”. God knows the best ways to get in touch with us. Also please do not lose hope in times like these, know that there are people out there going through this with you. Lastly, know that I love you, I believe in you, and I am always here for you!