When asked what an ideal comfort day looks like for me... it often is followed by a soft blanket that gently lays on top while also having my heating pad relaxing my muscles in my back and a warm vanilla candle lit while watching a christmas movie of some sort and eating any kind of raw cookie dough. That is an ideal rest day for me, and one I envy when I am feeling tired and warn out during a typical monday... Actually, it is one I think about far more often then that... Ok honestly it consumes my thoughts pretty much all the time...
Reality is I love being comfortable. In fact I think my social medias loves it for me too, because most of the algorithums that are filling my feed these days are those of christmas baking, snuggling up by a fireplace, and constantly telling me to follow my heart and take plenty of self care days. So since the world is already telling me to do so I should right? I mean what is the harm to lead life with feelings and what my heart wants? It is my life after all, and I should be entitled to live it how I want. That at least is what culture is telling us these days... if something bothers you, cancel it. If someone is mean to you, cancel them. If work is hard, cancel it.
The deception that our life is meant to be comfortable is a narrative we are surrounded by. Satan's big attack on us as Christians is telling us we need to seek comfort before discomfort/suffer. The christian life is not easier, it never was promoted to be; however it is a life that is filled with joy, grace, fullness, and life. It is also a life dependent on boldness, suffering, and sacrifice. Jesus demonstrated the ministry we are called to live out and His was anything but comfort but nothing short of love, kindness, and strength. The false gospel of comfort is one that will leave christians stagnet, complacent, and disunified. Comfort is the enemies way to prevent movement towards building the Kingdom.
On October 11th, hundreds of high school students gathered in rocky point mexico and built homes and relationships with several familes. Witnessing these students choose to be uncomfortable for a weekend and sleep in tents outside when the weather was nice and warm, and using porter pottys that had a horrible mix of smells, and while eating dinner would have scorpions crawling on their feet was nothing short of incredible. The next gen will always fire me up, but also push me to step into my faith without hesitation and with full assurance in God's deliverance and faithfulness.
Nobody loves comfort more than me. However, our perception of a worldly comfort does not compare to the magnitude of a comfort that rests in the assurance of God. The comfort of the heart is a temporary satisfaction that will never come close to the comfort we can offer someone with hope in an everlasting union with God. So why not embrace the challenge and occasional discomfort, to allow someone to have a chance at experiencing true comfort? What hangs in the balance for you to remain comfortable?