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Let's Get Political

Updated: May 27, 2022

Ooooo did I get your attention with that title? Did it make your skin crawl? Did it already start to offend you in a way?

When did talking become so hard? I have recently felt that talking has become a sport, and we all need to train and practice just so we can execute it properly and not over step. I am so tired of the divisive nature of our culture. People are being treated less like people and more like subscriptions. They are excommunicated if they disagree and are cancelled like an unwanted subscription.

Trust me I am not the greatest at holding my tongue when I'm passionate about an opinion or belief. This is an area I constantly have to work on. But I've learned that being aggressive with my belief shuts people down, and prevents any healthy conversation to surface.

Now don't get me wrong, I know this is a broken world. I am aware of the innate sin that is within humanity. BUT I am also aware that as Christians we are to be set apart from the broken world. We are NOT suppose to be of the "status quo" because our status is different.

The Gospel is where our status is found and defined. When reading the Gospel it is evident that it is a sign of reconciliation, unification, and hope. We are a unified body under Christ, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, there is beauty in being one body because we are all made unique and distinct with valuable skills, opinions, and knowledge to come together and become a force for the Kingdom of God.

When an aspect of the body is rejecting the rest then how can it work properly for the set goal it was made to accomplish? For example, I am not a medical student but it does not take much knowledge to realize that if a limb in the body started to get infected, and started to get rejected from the body then that infection would spread and harm the entire body as a whole. The body needs every part of it to work together to accomplish its primary goal.

When living as a separate entity apart from this world we need to be a united front working together to not cause division, but rather use every opportunity to shed light on the relentless hope found in God. We need to uplift each other, we need to encourage each other, and we need to embrace each other.

This world has enough brokenness, we do not need to add to it. Let's not feed into the quarrel Satan embraces. Let's allow effective and healthy communication. Let's be slow to speak and quick to listen. Let's take opportunities to learn from others experiences and opinions. Let's do better.

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