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The Race of Persistence

Hey guys!

Wow... it has been a while since I have written in here, life has been crazy for this SMALL girl in discovering just how BIG this world can be. Throughout the time I have been absent in blogging, I have been falling more in love with God. You might be thinking, "Ughhh ok we get it Sam, you are a Christian and you love God, what is new?"

Fair question, I do like to talk about my love for God, but I feel like this season has been different. Over these past three months of summer I have had the opportunity to dive into my love for ministry. While it has been the most worthwhile experience, it has also been the most challenging.

I felt my calling to go into ministry, my sophomore year of college. I wasn't sure the exact path that calling would take me, but I relinquished all control to God and decided to pursue a degree in youth ministry. Last month, I took 22 8th grade girls to camp up in Prescott. Another fair question, "Why would you ever want to spend that much time with middle school girls?", while it is the hardest age to manage, I feel like it is the most necessary to coach, because the type of culture these girls are facing at their age in todays society is ALARMING. Social media comparison, identity confusion, unrealistic lives being projected in media, pandemics, the list could go on... There is a need for Jesus in this age group more than ever!!!

Anyways...It was a four day experience with a lot of spiritually growing opportunities. There were a lot of hard conversations, a lot of sleepless nights, and A LOT of TEARS. Listen I am usually not the emotional type and it takes a lot for me to shed a tear or two, usually when I cry it takes me a literal amount of ten seconds and then I am over it, but camp broke me. There were moments where all I could do was release the flood gates.

I felt super unqualified, unequipped, and not worthy enough to be leading 22 young ladies with messy baggage. In the midst of my lows I continued to whisper to myself, "Remember your why". That consistent thought is what help keep up my persistence. I continued to move forward because these girl's deserved to find what I found as a small jr higher at camp, and that is: the best freedom found in Jesus.

The third night was dedicated to all of the student's to make next steps in their faith. The coaches all went to the lobby of the church we were at, and waited during the last couple of worship songs to see if any students wanted to come out and meet us, so we can pray for them and walk them through accepting Jesus in their hearts. As the first worship song was coming to an end, I was the only coach in the lobby without any of my girls. I felt like a failure. I felt like I did not do my job right to get my girl's to accept Jesus in their hearts. Then suddenly I just prayed and reminded myself that I am apart of something so much bigger then myself. During the last song I had my girls pouring out onto the lobby. One-by-one I eventually had seven of my girls crying out for a Savior. That was my why. I would do it all over again for that moment to replay.

This past weekend, I had the privilege of baptizing two of my girls, and witnessing two more of my girls baptizing another. My heart has never been fuller.

God did not promise us an easy life, in fact I don't deserve one. However, what He did promise us is that He is right by our side through it all. Every hardship, every disappointment, and every mistake - God has equipped us. Whatever He calls us to, He will see us through.

What you are doing is essential. You are impacting people's lives. Whether you are a mom, a doctor, a teacher, a coach, a friend, a wife, anything! God has called you to that purpose. This race of life is meant to be carried with persistence. That is what we are called to do as Christian's, "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him" (James 1:2, ESV).

I encourage you, if you feel the urge to give-up or the feelings of inadequacies, remember your "why" because I promise you, God has brought you to where you are for a reason, and He has equipped you. Our lives are meant to serve something way beyond this earth and something far greater then ourselves.

Are you ready to win the race with persistence?

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