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Writer's picturesammyoliva2

The most asked Question...

Growing up, I bombarded my parents with the simple- yet complicated question of

"why?" Maybe you've been there:

Me: Mom can I have a sleep over tonight?

Mom: No

Me: Why?

Mom: Because I said so...

Me: Mom can we have pizza tonight?

Mom: No

Me: Why?

Mom: Because I said so...

Do you see a trend here? I use to hate when my parents would come back with that response because it never made me content with their answer. However, I have come to learn that the "whys" do not end when we are younger, and in fact do not even end with our parents... I am going to be honest this season in my life has been nothing short of difficult. I have experienced loss, sadness, and overwhelming emotions. I have caught myself asking my Heavenly Father, "why?" "God, why are you doing this to me?" or "Why do I deserve this?". However, the funny reality is simply that God does not owe us answers right away, and He is probably claiming at the moment, "My child, it is because I said so..." Trusting in God, is not always easy in fact in times of pain it can feel impossible. A common question: "Why does God allow pain?" Answer: Because He is a good father. Is that not convincing enough? Let me explain

Pain = growth, this can even be seen physically. When our body grows we can get the growing pains because our body is stretching. Well, if we never experienced pain, how could we grow? God allows us to experience loss and pain so that we could grow and become the best versions of ourselves. God ALWAYS has a plan that is bigger then our comprehension. Through the pain, God is working in us. Through the loss, God is providing for us. Through the broken hearts, God is healing us.

I have gone through some things that have not been the greatest recently, but it was not until I changed my mentality, was I able to actually embrace my loss. Instead of asking, "God, why is this happening to me?" I started to ask, "God, what is it that you need me to learn during this season?" There is something always to be gained and learned through every season. It has caused me to actually be very thankful for the moments that I experienced (that includes loss). I have realized that my pain is helping me grow and become a better version of Sam, and for that I am eternally grateful.

So thank you God. Thank you for allowing me to ask "why?" and answering "Because I said so". Thank you for allowing me to experience pain, and never leaving my side through it. Thank you for transforming me to be Your Kingdom worker. Thank you for loving me so much.

Now, "why" should you share this blog with your friends?

Because I said so...

Love you incredibly so.


A small girl in a BIG world

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1 commentaire

09 oct. 2020

Love the perspective, “God, what is it that you need me to learn during this season?” Such big wisdom from such a tiny girl. 🥰

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