Happy Ash Wednesday! Today in my theology 2 class, my professor challenged all of her students to partake in lent for the next 40 days. Now some of you may not understand the context behind ash Wednesday or lent (which is completely ok, I might have just recently learned it fully but that can be our little secret). Anyways, in the Gospel there is a clear depiction of Jesus fleeing to the wilderness for 40 days and fasting. Therefore, lent is the practice of fasting from something that you love up until Easter. The idea behind this is to get your mind right and live in solitude with Jesus before acknowledging the day of His death. Now I know what you might be thinking... "Isn't this a catholic practice?" and you would be correct. I am definitely a non- denominational Christian however, I see beauty in the idea behind lent and I think it is an idea that can benefit any Christian. It is a self sacrifice for 40 days to something that you fall into temptation doing over time in which you could be dwelling with Jesus... Hard? Yes! Worth it? 100%
After my theology professor challenged us she provided us with a series of scriptures to meditate with for the next few weeks of lent. Todays passage has been heard time and time again but when I read it tonight it captivated me... Luke 4:1-13, which is the passage that discusses Jesus' temptation from satan. Here is what struck me: Jesus had been in the wilderness for 40 days and had been fasting, He was weak and vulnerable and guess what? THAT IS WHEN SATAN STRUCK. While meditating on that passage, I was thinking about us today. Here is the thing about satan; he is a clever man. He too knows us, he can see when we have doubt in Jesus, when we feel weak, and when we feel vulnerable and that is when he attacks us. I don't know about you guys but I have fallen into the temptation path more times than I would like to admit.
The crazy thing is Jesus only responded with righteousness when being tempted (can't relate). I felt an urge to share this with you guys because maybe just maybe there is someone out there who has doubted God and trusted satan. You are not alone! And more importantly, that does not make you a bad person! It is in our being to urge for pleasure and yield away from Jesus. No one said being a Christian was easy. However if you are someone who trusts in satan more than God then I am here to tell you that is a dangerous path trust me I have been there it doesn't lead you anywhere other than regret and pain. I remember being very anxious my eighth grade year. I would believe and trust everything satan was putting in my mind and I would reject the love and Divine plan God had for me. I had to restore my love and faith in God and my anxiety creeped away. If worship, solitude, and church community becomes a huge aspect of your life then you will no longer have room for satan and you will no longer be vulnerable because your identity is clear within God.
Maybe a good starter for you is to partake in lent and do mini devotions and spend at least 15 min of your day dwelling in time with Jesus. Maybe it is sacrificing something you love and let master you above God. For me, I challenged myself to delete one social media platform that I spent way to much time on. God deserves our attention, and you deserve to feel safe, loved, and complete. Do not allow yourself to feel weak or vulnerable because satan can smell it on you! I love you! I am here for you! You've got this whole Christian thing! It is hard, but such a beautiful journey!