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Starving Identity

Have you ever felt so empty inside you turned to society to fill you up?

Erikson is a famous psychologist who is known for his work on the developmental stages of a person. In his adolescence stage (ages 12-18) it is titled: "Identity vs. Role Confusion" and the idea is that teens are suppose to use this stage as a platform for discovering themselves and role in society.

I was there... we all were there at one point or another discovering who we are and what our purpose is. Some of you may still be there... you might have tried a variety of different roles and are still trying to figure out what fits you best.

The way I like to think of Identity is like an empty plate. We all are starving and holding this empty plate that needs to be filled. Often times what happens is we turn to society to fill up our plate. They mash a bunch of stuff together on our plate with what they think we would like based on who they think we are. Therefore, in order to fill up our starving bodies we start to indulge on all of the things society placed on our plate. Which never results in the best feeling because usually the things that were placed on our plate were not the best for our body or soul (kind of like over eating at dinner and feeling so sick afterwards- trust me I've been there) so we could end up aching or feeling misunderstood.

Why is it that we turn to society so quickly to fill up our empty identity? Why do we offer up our plate to people who hardly know us? Is it because it's easy and fast? Or because we don't know what else to do?

I understand this action completely, because I too offered up my plate to society when I was in my middle school years. I remember feeling absolutely misplaced and distraught because people were filling up my plate with judgmental comments that made me feel unwanted, unloved, and undeserving. It was not until 2014, when I decided to offer up my plate to Jesus and fill my identity up with what He says I am, I started to feel who I truly was and that is wanted, loved, and deserving.


"And in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority" (Colossians 2:10, NIV)


Society will be quick to establish who they want to feed your brain with. They will fill up your plate with their observations as to who they think you are. In the beginning, it becomes hard for us to not feed our starving bodies with what is on our plate... however, the result is always a masked identity and is never our true selves. The one Being that knows us better than anyone else is God and until you offer up your plate to Him, you will not be full of your true identity.

God claims you are, "Beautifully and wonderfully made", "Child of His" and "fearfully loved". You hold great value from the Almighty King and the only One who matters.

It is very important to stay healthy, and offer up your plate to the One who will fill your body with valuable and healthy attributes for your identity. Allow your maker to make you aware of your purpose and value. Is your plate still empty? Are you starving for answers? Offer up your plate to your Father, He will fill you right up with what is true, leaving you to feel satisfied and full.

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