Have you ever struggled with sharing your opinion amongst a mass of people with opposing beliefs?
It is hard to be the "odd" one out. This picture could be symbolism for how often times we can feel surrounded by persuasion and people or things telling us to think, or be a certain way, but it is important to be different and just remain YOU!
When I was younger I never really knew what I believed or what exactly to think, so I usually just agreed with my friend or the teacher (because they know best right?). However, as I have grown older I have found the beauty in my own voice! I grew up in an environment where it was ok to have my own opinions and beliefs as long as I had proper arguments and evidence to back it up. In today's society there are so many sources out there trying to change our perspective on certain issues within the world and how we perceive things. However, I believe that it is essential to stay immovable within your faith and beliefs against all odds.
As I have gone into this new chapter of my life (college) I have learned to truly accept my faith and opinions. There are professors that will have different beliefs, friends who will have different perspectives, and classmates who will have different opinions and that is totally ok and actually encouraged!
The way I look at it is that we all have different opinions, and not everyone will agree with them and I cannot live my life to try and conform my beliefs to fit within the "social norm," but rather I will stay strong in my convictions and only live for an audience of One: God. The only person I care about pleasing is Him and I will live my entire life devoted to having beliefs and opinions that satisfy Him.
Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ."
It isn't our jobs as followers of Christ to make everyone happy. We just simply cannot achieve that because that would cause us to change who we are and that isn't what God wants. Our jobs are to stay strong in our Faith and share His good message with as many people as we can. No one said this journey would be easy, and there will be times in life where we will be judged and challenged in our beliefs, but it's how we react to the situation that can either please God or discourage Him.
We must live our lives only to please One! Let's be fierce in our convictions in the Lord and display our loyalty to the only One that counts. Once people around us start seeing how strong the Holy Spirit makes us, they will soon see the power in His name. Let's live for an "Audience of One."
Dear God,
Thank you so much for all you have done for your children. Thank you for loving us unconditionally and displaying that love to us when you sent your only Son to die for all of our sins. You are a good, good Father and I am so blessed to serve such an amazing Lord. God I pray that you can help each and every one of us to remain immovable in our faith with You. Lord please give us the strength to share Your Word and make it famous amongst the community around us. I love you with all of my heart. It is in Jesus name that I pray.
Love your blog, Sami! Keep writing!
You are perfect!