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"Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo"

Updated: Nov 14, 2018

What do you do when you need to make a decision?

I remember in preschool the hardest decision for me to make was, "what color should I use to paint?" or "what color is my favorite?" Those were just some of the many decisions I had to make as little kid. Moving up to grade school, middle school, and even high school I always had my parents help me make decisions and I would never admit it to their faces, but they were usually right.


Now I look around and realize I am living on my own... I didn't know growing up was part of my contract, but I guess it was, and now I am forced to put my big girl pants on and make my own decisions. Who knew that being an adult would be so hard? I certainly did not.

I will never forget my junior year of high school. I was sitting in my English 3 honors class and I had just read the very long...very dry...novel "All the Kings Men" and if I am being completely honest, I probably didn't exactly finish reading it... however passing the class is all that matters right? Anyways, I might have not finished the novel however, my class had really great discussions, and my teacher taught me one of the most valuable lessons I could have ever learned in high school, and that is the importance of our decisions.

People don't always realize it, but the decisions we make today (no matter how little or big) do have a ripple effect on the rest of our lives. Decisions as small as "what should I eat today?" or "who should I talk to today?" These decisions might seem small but they actually aren't. Look at it this way... whatever we consume has an effect on our bodies, and whoever we talk to can either make a person's day or cause us to build a new relationship that God wants us to.

I also learned that our decisions not only effect us but also the people around us. For example, if I make a decision to skip a class in college, because I simply would rather do anything else, then that effects my parents who are supporting me to be here to learn and gain an education/future for myself. Another example could be if I decided to drink alcohol, party, and smoke now then that would have an effect on not only my family now, but also my future kids because I would have to face my mistakes today with them in the future. However, most importantly my decision would put a strain on my relationship with Christ.


Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."


The hardest part about college so far that I have found is making decisions. Yes I still call my parents every once in a while to ask them for advice, but at the end of the day it is my decision to make and it can be difficult. However, the first thing I do before making any decision is take it up with God. I have literally prayed about every decision I have made thus far in college whether it be big or small. We are called to give our hearts to God and let Him lead us the direction He has planned for our lives. I could not imagine making a decision without His guidance.

Now this doesn't mean you have to ask him what you should eat today or tomorrow or what you should wear... I am pretty sure you can figure that out all on your own. However, it never hurts to just pray about something that has been heavy on your heart. Personally, I have been battling with what path God wants me to take. I don't exactly know the plan He has for me and it has been an ongoing battle. This affects me in a huge way as to what I should invest in within college. What should I be studying? What clubs should I join? Am I following God's plan for my life? These are decisions I am currently dealing with, but your decisions could be completely different and intense. Whatever it is, I encourage you to pray about it.

Also, on another personal level, I have fought with God a lot recently. There have been times were I was crying out to God and just seeking immediate action. I am yearning for an answer but it is important to remember that everything happens on God's timing and His timing is perfect! So don't get discouraged if you don't see His answer/path for you right away, it is coming! Maybe He is teaching you patience... I definitely need to learn that.


You've got this! Don't rush decisions they are more complex then you think. Seek God first instead of using the "Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo" tactic it doesn't work as well as you think, trust me I've tried...


Dear God,

Thank you so much for all you have done for your children. Thank you for loving us unconditionally and displaying that love to us when you sent your only Son to die for all of our sins. You are a good, good Father and I am so blessed to serve such an amazing Lord. God I pray that you can help show us the path that you have set aside for each of our lives. I pray that you will help us learn through whatever you have planned for our lives and that we can be the best examples possible for what strong followers of your should look like. I love you with all of my heart! It is in Jesus name that I pray.


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