Dear younger Sam,
Life moves so fast. Take every moment, and hold onto it forever because soon it will just be a memory. Eventually you will be thrown into the scary teen years and will encounter your best friends, first heartbreak, and a world of independence. This seems impossible and like you aren't capable, however I promise you are. Despite all of the times life has knocked you down, you continue to get back up and it is all because of the love God has for you. He never leaves you through any season of your life. As for now, keep dreaming. Keep believing that one day you will be the first ballerina/WNBA player/Firefighter. Reach for the stars and never feel like anything is too big to accomplish. You will meet your best pals and they will love on you the way you feel like you don't deserve. They will create immense memories with you and you will hold on to that for the rest of your life. You will encounter your first heartbreak (and many more after that), but it shows you who to seek for next! God uses our mess for beauty. The independence you will once gain is terrifying but 100% awesome. You will make mistakes, you will disappoint, and you will lose people along the way, however you are strong and so brave with the armor of Christ around you. We have got this.
Dear current Sam,
College. It is hard. We are struggling, there are so many life lessons being learned outside of the classroom and not having mom and dad there to go home to everyday has been tough. We do not necessarily have our life together, and are pretty unaware what the future has planned for us let alone tomorrow...however we are growing. We have had our fair share of hard days-but we got through every single one of them. One thing we need to work on is our trust in God. We are learning that life in our own hands is not working out... God has a greater plan for us and we need to trust Him to guide us.
One thing we need to work on is our self-image. A lot of feelings of inadequacy has been creeping in and it is allowing us to compare ourselves to others and lacking self-confidence. God is constantly whispering in our ears, "I wish you could see yourself the way I see you" and until we start believing that we hold so much beauty we will never feel satisfied in the way a perfect Being created us. You are beautiful, unique, and hold so much value. You are a princess because your Father is king and that is something no one can take from you.
Dear Future Sam,
Well I hope you are married and have children and are following your dream. I hope that you feel like the wobbly path was all worth it. Never forget about the past that got you to where you are today and never regret any of those memories, because without them you would not be you. You will probably struggle as a mom, and try and be the perfect role model...but that is unrealistic. As long as you are trying the best you can, you are being the type of mother those children need. You probably feel like a struggling wife at times, however if you are pursuing God first and then your spouse then you are doing things right. I hope you and your husband have made God a foundation for your relationship, family, and home. I can't wait to see you one day and do life with what God has planned. Until then I will continue to take the path that will ultimately guide to you.