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A Box of Choclates

Siri cue, "Love is in the Air" by John Paul Young...

February 14th/Valentines day/love day/hallmark day. A day filled with love, romance, teddy bears, and chocolates.

A day that forever has been one of my least favorite days. Didn't think I was going to go there? Probably thought this was going to be a romantic post, where I speak on the love of my life, and how lucky I am. Well, I've been known to be unpredictable so this shouldn't be surprising.

Valentines day is a day set aside for hallmark to make more money, for couples to show off their love for one another, and a 24 hour period for couples to really love each other. It also is a time where singles feel lonely, suicide rates are some of the highest, and the sin of comparison takes over in many lives.

Now don't get me wrong... I am not a pessimist, I really do love love. BUT I love love 24/7 not just 24 hours once a year... for some couples this is the only day that a woman can feel loved from her significant other...for some couples this is a day where a woman can feel let down from her significant other...and for a lot of people this is a day where people feel the most unloved.

Some of you may know, but I currently do ministry with women ranging from ages of 12-24, and I have noticed that women between those ages feel similar when it comes to fully loving themselves, and their worth. Insecurities is a real thing, and is something EVERYONE faces, and it never really goes away. However, for a girl on valentines day, it is heightened.

Instead of investing, in flowers, chocolate, cards, and my man...(don't worry honey, I'll spoil you everyday too) but I want to invest in making women feel a relentless amount of self love. I want to invest in them seeing themselves the way God sees them. I want to invest in their self worth.

If you are struggling with depression and lack of self esteem to a point where you feel like your existence doesn't matter, I want to tell you right now, YOU DO MATTER. Let's tie this into the theme of valentines day. A box of chocolates... they all look similar on the outside but each one is unique and has a different filling. We all are human, but bring uniqueness and purpose to this world.

God looks at you, and is madly in love with you. Forget flowers, God gifted you Grace and Mercy. Everyday, God's redeeming love is shown, not just in a 24 hour period but a 24/7 system. Your worth is not found in a worldly relationship, your worth is not found in hallmark cards, and your worth is not identified through an unrealistic romantic movie. Your worth is already established through Christ- that when there was no way to have a relationship with God due to the separation of sin, Jesus came down being fully man and fully God, and made a way for you to experience REAL LOVE.

Let's change the norm of valentines day. Let's apply the principles of the day to everyday and make people feel so loved, that their identity is not found in another person, but rather in a God who is the definition of perfection and love.

I love you.

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